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Emily has been Foxed! in this 3D stop-motion tale of fighting for what you believe in. Filmed in stunning 3D, director James Stewart crafts a cautionary tale about child labor, growing up in an environment of parental control, and how children are often misportrayed in the eyes of their parents. Teeming with shadow and light, this grown up animation unfolds to explore themes of oppression in a riveting package that creates questions and leaves the audience anxious for more.

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Béatrice Coron's Daily Battles

Béatrice Coron's Daily Battles

Béatrice Coron's Daily Battles is an art film about a work of art. Created in 3D, this short film brings a new dimension to the medieval paper cut masterwork by New York Artist Beatrice Coron. With each medieval scene, we enter a tale of struggle, battle and trickery representing the challenges of life. The canvas that Coron and director James Stewart have expressed allows the viewer to transcend traditional film storytelling and fall into a world where non-linear abstraction is the only way out.

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